Iconic Licensing is a subsidiary of Iconic Images, a photographic agency and archive that owns and represents some of the world’s most renowned photography collections.

Our archives contain historic and iconic images from the frontline of fashion, rock, film, politics and royalty by photographers who were pioneers in their field. The archive includes the world’s largest collections of David Bowie and Elton John, Marilyn Monroe, Jimi Hendrix, Audrey Hepburn, Frank Sinatra, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles and Led Zeppelin. It covers the universe of Vogue fashion photography from the late 1930s to modern day as well as the world of politics from Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy to Nelson Mandela.

Iconic Licensing endeavours to bring the magic of the Iconic archives to brands, businesses and media outlets worldwide. Our team understand that the right image can leverage a brand, create a bestselling product or help sell a front-page news story, and we make it our mission to find it.

Merchandise & Partnerships

Publishing & Press