Archive A - Z

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
EC_MXT007: Maxine Taupin
C (5)
NP_FA_DO003: Della Oake
C Lloyd Harding (1)
KC_NME_004: NME Covers
Caarter USM (1)
DOR_PS005: Patti Smith
Cab (2)
EC_FrankZappa_013: Frank Zappa
Cabin (2)
TON_FD033: Faye Dunaway
Cable release (1)
NP_FA_MB009: Marisa Berenson
Cadena (1)
MG_MM083: Marilyn Monroe
Cadillac Eldorado (1)
TON_EJ620: Elton John
Caeb Quaye (1)
EC_DianaRoss_001: Diana Ross
Caesar's Palace (10)
NP_PE_MD002: Marlene Dietrich
Café de Paris (1)
TON_Elton_Contact_292: Elton John and Bernie Taupin
Cafe Les Deux Magots (20)
MW_E0029: Man skipping/Woman with pointed bra
Cafes (1)
GR_WC068: Cairo
Cairo (2)
TW_GS011: Cal Tjader and Bill Clark
Cal Tjader (7)
GM_CBTHBTBB_001: Colin Blunstone, The Headboys, The Bothy Band
Calum Malcom (1)
NP_NP11Q170_012: Queen Magazine
Calves (1)
JS_PE129: John Piper
Calvinist (1)
NP14D_27A: Woman in Bath
Camay Advertisements (1)
DOR_BLD002: Blondie
Camden Town (1)
GR_ME070: Desert Patrol
Camel (19)
GR_ME075: Desert Patrol
Camel Corps (21)
NP_FA_DO003: Della Oake
Cameo Corner (1)
LF_BP010: Bettie Page
Camera club (6)
TW_Drums_D18: Newport Jazz Festival
Camera's (1)
M_Contact_067: Various
Cameron Mackintosh (3)
MB_SP_MT023: Mike Tyson
Camille Ewald (1)
TW_RC023: The Raelettes
Camino Real Hotel (1)
TON_ROR016: Robert Redford
Camo (3)
DK_JL001: John Lennon
Camouflage (2)
GR_ME022: Middle Eastern Journeys
Camp Aqaba (2)
TON_TOF005: Ronald Fraser and Barbara Windsor
Camp bed (1)
GM_AlanPrice_891C: Alan Price
Camper van (1)
DOR_GL001: Glastonbury Festival
Camping (2)
GM_SuziQuatro_890A: Suzi Quatro
Can The Can (2)
MR_EJ010: Elton John
Canada Water (2)
TON_C_Contact_179: Martin Clunes
Cancer Research UK (1)
Candice Bergen
Candice Bergen (104)
MW_C0128: Vietnam Protest
Candle light (1)
GM_DAG_007E: Dana Gillespie
Candlelight (9)
EC_RodneyBingenheimer_004: Rodney Bingenheimer
Candy (1)
MB_FTC007: Jeff Bridges and Candy Clark
Candy Clark (7)
KC_OASIS_022: Oasis
Candy floss (2)
MW_ST045: Crufts
Canines (2)
NP_FA_WP146: Wenda Parkinson
Cannes Harbour (1)
TW_Orchstra Hall_M44: Chicago Orchestra Hall
Cannonball Adderly (2)
TON_TBL004: Blair's Journey
Cantine (1)
GM_LiverpoolExpress_Linx_001: Liverpool Express, Linx
Canute Edwards (1)
NP_NP13Q231_011: Greeced Lightning
Canyon (1)
TON_NeilKinnock_03L: Neil Kinnock
Capital (28)
EC_CB004: Captain Beefheart
Captain Beefheart (10)
NP_RY038: HRH Princess Anne
Captain Mark Phillps (1)
NP_FA_CDO028: Seascapes with Figures
Captain O.M. Watts (1)
MB_DMD005: The Damned
Captain Sensible (16)
GM_GM_2018B: Gary Moore
Car interior (1)
AS_RAC004: Mark Donohue and Roger Penske
Car race (9)
RR_PRI001: Prince
Caraciture (4)
GM_VW_1209A: Vivienne Westwood
Cardboard box (1)
GM_MDolenz_002A: Micki Dolenz
Cardboard cutout (3)
DN_FM023: Kiki Dee, Freddie Mercury and Elton John
Cardiff (8)
DK_BB015: Brigitte Bardot
Cards (19)
GR_PW024: Philome Obin
Caribbean (4)
RR_KCMTA022: Steve Martin
Caricature (8)
NP_FA_60s001: Katherine Pastrie and Klimt
Carita (1)
TON_Beatles_Contact_022: Paul McCartney
Carl Davis (4)
JM_AS002: Asia
Carl Palmer (2)
EC_Nazareth_004: Nazareth
Carl Sentance (5)
EC_TheBeachBoys_025: The Beach Boys
Carl Wilosn (1)
Carl Wilson
Carl Wilson (40)
Carla Bruni
Carla Bruni (5)
ES_F14_Contact_38: Luna
Carlo Verdone (1)
MB_SP_PE003: Pele & Carlos Alberto
Carlos Alberto (1)
DOR_DB066: David Bowie
Carlos Alomar (3)
Carlos Santana
Carlos Santana (23)
MW_ST054: Streets of Soho, 1950s
Carlsberg (1)
DOR_RS008: Rolling Stones
Carlton Tower hotel (2)
Carly Simon
Carly Simon (37)
Carly Witney (1)
NP_FA_80s014: Carmel Strelein
Carmel Strelein (8)
NP_FA_CDO024: Carmen Dell’Orefice
Carmen Dell\u2019Orefice (3)
MIG_SC211: Carmen Electra
Carmen Electra (1)
Carmen McRae
Carmen McRae (17)
DOR_DB056: David Bowie
Carmine Rojas (3)
EC_CarolBennett_001: Carol Bennett
Carol Bennett (1)
JS_PE215: Carol Vorderman
Carol Voerderman (1)
Carol White
Carol White (5)
ES_F49_Contact_22: Carole Andre
Carole Andre (13)
Carolina Herrera
Carolina Herrera (2)
ES_F54_Contact_29: Caroline Cellier
Caroline Cellier (4)
DOR_TL020: Phil Lynott
Caroline Crowther (1)
Caroline Munro
Caroline Munro (19)
NP_FA_WP145: Picnic with Wenda Parkinson
Caroline Owen (1)
JS_PE140: Paul McCartney
Caroline Ranicar (2)
EA_MD004: Marlene Dietrich
Caroll Righter (1)
TW_Slim Gaillard_M149: Slim Galliard
Carolyn Williams (1)
NP_FA_50s120: Perfume advert
Caron (7)
BW_WS139: Woodstock 1969
Carpenter (1)
EC_BlueMoutainEagle_003: Blue Mountian Eagle
Carraef (5)
GR_PW016: England in the Sixties
Carribean (2)
KC_Shampoo_001: Shampoo
Carrie Askew (1)
Carrie Fisher
Carrie Fisher (16)
ES_F39_Contact_24: Carroll Baker
Carroll Baker (2)
AS_RAC003: Carroll Shelby
Carroll Shelby (1)
RR_PRI001: Prince
Cartoon (4)
JS_PE092: Barry Humphries
Carved marble (1)
Cary Grant
Cary Grant (11)
BW_WS061: Woodstock 1969
Cash (1)
Casino Royale
Casino Royale (123)
GM_Funkapolitan_BillyFury_001: Fun Boy Three and Billy Fury
Cassette player (2)
TON_ROR018: Robert Redford
Cassette recorder (1)
GM_Funkapolitan_BillyFury_001: Fun Boy Three and Billy Fury
Cassette tape (2)
NP_FA_WP143: Wenda Parkinson
Castillo (1)
Cat Stevens
Cat Stevens (17)
Catherine Deneuve
Catherine Deneuve (31)
Catherine James
Catherine James (9)
Catherine Middleton
Catherine Middleton (2)
Catherine Schell
Catherine Schell (2)
TON_TOF014: Catherine Spaak
Catherine Spaak (1)
TON_TOFA032: Catherine Walker
Catherine Walker (3)
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Catherine Zeta-Jones (18)
I_Contact_012: Eric Idle
Catherine Zeta Jones (1)
ES_F30_Contact_23: Liv Ullman
Catholicism (10)
MW_C0121: Michael Foot
Cato (1)
TON_TOF299: Catrina Skepper
Catrina Skepper (2)
TON_VS009: Vidal Sassoon
Catya Sassoon (1)
TON_TOA041: John Mortimer
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (1)
DOR_PM001: Paul McCartney
Cavern Club (2)
GR_WC012: World War II
Caves (1)
JS_PE089: Bryan Ferry
CBE (12)
TW_Ray Charles003: Newport Jazz Festival
CBS (1)
TW_002: Lionel Hampton
CBS-TV (2)
JS_RO028: King Abdullah Hussein I
Cb/w (1)
EC_CREEDENCE_057: Creedence Clearwater Revival
CCR (74)
GM_GM_1882E: Gary Moore
CD (1)
KC_IceCube_004: Ice Cube
CD player (3)
Cecil Beaton
Cecil Beaton (33)
TW_CEW002: Cedar Walton
Cedar Walton (2)
Celia Hammond
Celia Hammond (181)
NP04D4_1935_001: Paget Twins and Helen Trefusis
Celia Paget (2)
BW_CL002: Californian Landscapes
Cellar (1)
GM_Mud_C744C: Mud
Cello (4)
DOR_DM001: Dropkick Murphys
Celtic (1)
TW_Central Plaza_M132: Central Plaza NYC
Central Plaza (5)
KC_The Fall_03: The Fall
Central Station (1)
NP_FA_DW004: Dolores Wettach
Cerro Bianco Temple (1)
GM_CATATONIA_2129C: Catatonia
Cerys Matthews (13)
GR_WC135: Middle Eastern Journeys
Chad (5)
GM_CSJC_001E: Chad & Jeremy
Chad Stuart (26)
TON_EJ626: Elton John
Chaffeurs (1)
TW_Cannonball Adderley005: Cannonball Adderley
Chaicago (1)
NP_FA_60s113: Vogue 1969
Chainmail (1)
TON_TOP045: General Shalikashvili
Chairman (1)
JM_CHK001: Chaka Khan
Chaka Khan (2)
DOR_BLD005: Blondie
Chalk Farm (2)
NP_PE_MAB001: Mark Birley
Champagne. (2)
EA_MM037: Marilyn Monroe
Champagne (vin) (3)
EA_MM035: Marilyn Monroe
Champagne (wine) (3)
JS_PE304: Torvill & Dean
Champions (3)
NL_4064: Sylvester Stallone as Rocky
Championship belt (1)
KC_PublicEnemy_007: Public Enemy
Chamption (5)
TON_EJ081: Elton John
Chandeliers (2)
NP_FA_CHA001: Chandrika Angadi
Chandrika Angadi (1)
DK_CC048: Coco Chanel
Chanel (52)
JS_PE173: Chantelle Houghton
Chantelle Houghton (1)
DOR_DB053: David Bowie
Chao Phraya river (2)
MW_B0027: Chappells Fire, New Bond Street
Chappell's Music Publishers (1)
GM_DL_RL_AL_001: Dandy Livingstone, Roddy Llewelyn, Abraham Lincoln
Charisma Records (1)
EC_Charkras_011: Charkras
Charkras (13)
Charles Aznavour
Charles Aznavour (10)
TON_HW003: Paramounts Stars
Charles Bronson (5)
MIG_MU113: Charles Brown
Charles Brown (1)
TON_CCH001: Charlie Chaplin and Carlo Ponti
Charles Chaplin (1)
NP09F2_1953_011B: Charles Creed
Charles Creed (6)
M_Contact_071: The Muppet's Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens (5)
NP_RY047: HRH King Charles
Charles III (1)
NP_FA_60s054: Connie Barr
Charles Jourdan (4)
TON_TOP039: Charles Kennedy
Charles Kennedy (2)
TW_MIN001: Charles Mingus
Charles Mingus (2)
TZ_CH001: Charleton Heston
Charleton Heston (1)
TON_WW002: Willy Wonka
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2)
TW_Charlie Byrd_M425: Charlie Byrd
Charlie Byrd (13)
TON_K_contact_042: Billie Jean King
Charlie Chaplin (24)
GM_TW003: Toyah Willcox
Charlie Francis (1)
KC_Glastonbury1994_010: Glastonbury Festival 1994
Charlie Heather (4)
TW_TA003: Toshiko Akiyoshi and Charlie Mariano
Charlie Mariano (1)
TW_CP001: Parker and Gillespie
Charlie Parker (7)
TW_Johnny Griffin_M11: Johnny Griffin
Charlie Pensip (1)
MB_SP_CP001: Charlie Powell
Charlie Powell (2)
TW_CRinTM023: Charlie Rouse
Charlie Rouse (5)
TON_TOF398: All For One
Charlie Sheen (2)
TW_Stan Kenton_M17: Stan Kenton
Charlie Ventura (3)
GM_RS047: Charlie Watts
Charlie Watts (286)
JM_TGO008: The Go-Go's
Charlotte Caffey (1)
TON_TOF421: Charlotte Lewis
Charlotte Lewis (1)
NP_NP09B_1970_001D: Charlotte Ponsonby and Elizabeth Spendee
Charlotte Ponsonby (8)
NP03C2_062: Charlotte Rampling
Charlotte Rampling (107)
EA_HF001: Charlotte Stribling
Charlotte Stribling (1)
H_Contact_052: Various
Charlton Heston (15)
TON_EBA019: The Animals
Chas Chandler (8)
GM_CNM_1645C: Cry No More
Chas Cronk (3)
GM_Madness_009: Madness
Chas Smash (12)
DK_CH023: Cher
Chastity (2)
DK_AW002: Andy Warhol
Chateau Marmont (2)
NP_RY002: Duchess of Devonshire
Chatsworth House (1)
DK_CH022: Cher
Chaz (2)
GM_LOTW_1151A: Light of the World
Check Us Out (2)
S_Contact_072: Terence Stamp
Checked suit (3)
GM_BC_001A: Bing Crosby
Checker (1)
L_Contact_075: Julian Lennon
Checkered shirt (4)
L_Contact_072B: Julian Lennon
Checks (5)
TON_EJ234: Elton John
Cheetah (2)
GM_IDK_2: Bad News
Cheetah Print (2)
ETaylor_Contact_014: Elizabeth Taylor
Chefs (2)
GR_PW001: Post War Life
Chelsea Arts Ball (1)
MIG_SC281: Chelsea Handler
Chelsea Handler (5)
Caine_Contact_023: Michael Caine
Chelsea Harbour (1)
DOR_TSU001: The Subways
Cheltenham (1)
GM_Funkapolitan_BillyFury_001: Fun Boy Three and Billy Fury
Cheque book (2)
EC_SonnyCher_005: Sonny and Cher/ The Seeds
Cher (56)
JS_PE354: Cherie Blair
Cherie Blair (10)
GM_NF_820: Noosha Fox
Cherries (1)
DOR_DB073: David Bowie
Cher's sister (1)
TON_AC024: Alice Cooper
Cheryl (1)
GM_BF_001: Bucks Fizz
Cheryl Baker (2)
TON_L_Contact_013: Various
Cheryl Ladd (2)
ES_F37_Contact_11: Iman Abdulmajid
Chess players (4)
EC_RussellKing_009: Leon Russell and Freddie King
Chess Records (22)
MR_EJ010: Elton John
Chess set (1)
EC_RussellKing_015: Leon Russell
Chess Studio (22)
JSJ012: Jill St. John
Chessboard (1)
MW_A0018_B: Snow at Chessington Zoo
Chessington Zoo (3)
KC_Blondie_005: Blondie
Chester (4)
GM_Genesis_1310C: Genesis
Chester Thompson (2)
TON_DBA008: David Bailey
Chesterfiled (1)
EC_Monterey_002: Monterey Pop Festival
Chet Helms (1)
EA_MM035: Marilyn Monroe
Cheveux blonds (4)
BW_AMC056: 1952 Chevrolet Bel Air Hardtop Coupe
Chevrolet bel air (1)
BW_AM062: 1960 Chevrolet Corvair Sport Coupe
Chevrolet corvair (1)
TON_TOF280: Playboy Merton
Chevrolet Corvette (1)
BW_AM061: 1928 Chevrolet Pickup
Chevrolet pickup (1)
MIG_SC088: Chevy Chase
Chevy Chase (1)
GM_Catatonia_Cheetahs_Champion_Chi-Lites_001: Catatonia, Cheetahs, Chi-Lites, Champion
Chi-Lites (1)
EC_AndyGibb_005: Andy Gibb
Chicagofest (3)
EC_ChickKorea_001: Chick Corea
Chick Corea (5)
TW_Tony Scott_NP27A: Tony Scott
Chico Hamilton (3)
MW_F0104: Racial tension in Manchester
Children playing (3)
JM_DEV001: Devo
Chili Dog Mac (1)
GM_Circus_002: Circus
China Doll (2)
DOR_TL016: Thin Lizzy
Chinatown (9)
GM_AL_001A: British singer Annie Lennox
Chinnichap (1)
MIG_SC231: James Caan
Chips (2)
TW_DB018: Chis Connor
Chis Connor (2)
NP_FA_60s011: Mining
Chisnall Hall Colliery (2)
TON_AC001: Cooper's Booze Hell
Chivas Regal (6)
NP_PE_EDJ004: Edward James
Chlorobromide print (1)
EC_ChocolateWatchBand_001: The Chocolate Watchband
Chocolate Watch Band (2)
EC_RollingStones_003: The Rolling Stones
Chong (1)
TON_TOM135: Maria Ewing
Chopin (1)
TZ_IL001: Indian Larry
Chopper (2)
TW_Ray Brown_M389: Ray Brown, 'How to play double bass'
Chord positions (2)
KC_Glastonbury1994_004: Glastonbury Festival 1994
Chris Baron (3)
BW_GR216: Chris Brooks
Chris Brooks (5)
GM_Circus_002: Circus
Chris Burrows (2)
TW_Chris Connor_M8: Chris Connor
Chris Connor (1)
JS_PE149: Corbin & King
Chris Corbin (5)
DOR_SOG002: Soundgarden
Chris Cornell (4)
GM_UV002: Ultravox
Chris Cross (1)
GM_THEBIKINIS_001: The Bikinis
Chris Dalley (1)
GM_TH001: The Hives
Chris Dangerous (1)
TON_D_Contact_010: Various
Chris de Souza (1)
DOR_SQU001: Squeeze
Chris Difford (1)
GM_TYA007: The Yardbirds
Chris Dreja (11)
GM_CityBoy_Clannad_ClassixNouveaux_ClimaxBlues_001: City Boy, Clannad, Classix Nouveaux, Climax Blues Band
Chris Dunn (1)
EC_Burritos_001: The Flying Burrito Brothers
Chris Ethridge (15)
AS_SP081: Chris Evert
Chris Evert (3)
MIG_SC160: Actor Chris Farley
Chris Farley (9)
GM_CF_613D: Chris Farlowe
Chris Farlowe (7)
DOR_SK001: Slipknot
Chris Fehn (1)
GM_MAD001: Madness
Chris Foreman (12)
DOR_TH001: Talking Heads
Chris Frantz (1)
GM_AHB001: The Sensational Alex Harvey Band
Chris Glen (1)
KC_TheSeahorses_001: The Seahorses
Chris Helme (1)
EC_Burritos_008: The Flying Burrito Brothers
Chris Hillman (15)
DOR_EIS001: Explosions In The Sky
Chris Hrasky (1)
TOM082: Chris Isaak
Chris Isaak (2)
EC_ChrisJagger_001: Chris Jagger
Chris Jagger (5)
R_Contact_084: Roaring Boys
Chris Jones (21)
TON_MM_LIM_013: Liza Minnelli and Pet Shop Boys
Chris Lowe (3)
KC_JazzDefektors_002: Jazz Defektors
Chris Manis (2)
GM_WKF_1478D: Wynder K. Frog
Chris Mercer (4)
TON_TOF398: All For One
Chris O'Donnell (1)
TON_TOM048: Chris Rea
Chris Rea (3)
GM_NationalVelvet_1875: National Velvet
Chris Reis (1)
MIG_SC036: Chris Rock
Chris Rock (2)
JM_BLO039: Blondie
Chris Stein (35)
GM_BR_1288A: Blue Rondo
Chris Sullivan (8)
GM_Jook_410C: Jook
Chris Townson (13)
GM_MotherEarth_003H: Mother Earth
Chris White (4)
GM_DavidDundas_Dubstar_001: David Dundas and Dubstar
Chris Wilkie (1)
TON_TOM189: Chrissie Hynde
Chrissie Hynde (6)
TON_CHS002: Chrissie Shrimpton
Chrissie Shrimpton (3)
BW_CL041: Californian Landscapes
Christen Eagle Bi-Plane (1)
JS_RO046: The Royal Family
Christening (1)
EC_CRUSADERS_001: The Crusaders
Christian (2)
TON_TOF414: Christian Bale
Christian Bale (2)
NP_FA_TM002: Tania Mallett
Christian Dior (14)
TON_Bardot_Contact_063: Brigitte Bardot
Christian-Jaque (119)
DOR_DB057: David Bowie
Christiane F (1)
JS_PE249: Christie Brinkley
Christie Brinkley (2)
MIG_SC115: Christina Applegate
Christina Applegate (3)
NP_FA_DTS002: Dee Triplets
Christina Dee (6)
R_Contact_111: Christina Ricci
Christina Ricci (4)
NP_FA_CS001: Christina Steichen
Christina Steichen (5)
NP12Q230_001: Christine Davis
Christine Davis (10)
TON_TOC004: Christine Keeler
Christine Keeler (3)
JM_FLM004: Fleetwood Mac
Christine McVie (6)
GR_ME006: Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve (1)
GR_ME004: Christmas Eve Service
Christmas Eve Service (1)
NP_NP04D4_1942_029A: Christmas
Christmas tree (1)
TON_TOM154: Christoph von Dohnanyi
Christoph von Dohnanyi (1)
JS_PE305: Torvill & Dean
Christopher Dean (3)
NP_PE_CRH001: (John) Christopher Heal
Christopher Heal (1)
H_Contact_058: Various
Christopher Hope (2)
TON_F_Contact_009: Horror Quartet
Christopher Lee (15)
JS_PE132: Christopher Nolan
Christopher Nolan (2)
GM_BR_1288B: Blue Rondo
Christos Tolera (8)
MB_Folder8_021: Andre Agassi
Christy Martin (1)
TON_T_Contact_032: Various
Christy Turlington (10)
GM_Linx_1037B: Linx
Chrysalis (5)
BW_AM060: 1931 Chrysler Custom Roadster Imperial Eight
Chrysler (1)
BW_AMC010: American Cars
Chrysler Roadster Imperial 80 (1)
TON_Berry_Clapton_Contacts_044: Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry (91)
TW_Chuck Suber_M189: Chuck Suber
Chuck Suber: Contact Sheet (1)
GM_DavisBros_TheDickies_001: The Davis Brothers Garage Band and The Dickies
Chuck Wagon (1)
MB_SP_OP050: Chuck Wepner
Chuck Wepner (17)
TZ_CY001: Chuck Yeager
Chuck Yeager (1)
EC_ChunkyErnieNovi_002: Chunky, Novi & Ernie
Chunky (3)
GR_ME003: Church of the Nativity
Church of the Nativity (2)
NL_1091: Ron Turcotte
Churchill Downs (1)
GM_CityBoy_Clannad_ClassixNouveaux_ClimaxBlues_001: City Boy, Clannad, Classix Nouveaux, Climax Blues Band
Ciarán Brennan (1)
EA_CT001: Cicely Tyson
Cicely Tyson (1)
DN_Contact433: Elton John
Cidny Bullens (4)
MB_PE_JB001: Jimmy Breslin
Cigarette machine (1)
V_Contact_002: Monica Vitti
Cigarette smoking (1)
TON_TB227: Cilla Black
Cilla Black (3)
NP02B1_029: Geraldine Chaplin
Cinderella (7)
DN_Contact328: Elton John
Cindy Bullens (15)
Cindy Crawford
Cindy Crawford (6)
MIG_MU122: En Vogue
Cindy Herron (1)
P_Contact_004: Paramount Pictures Stars
Cindy Williams (5)
ES_F5_Contact_25: Richard Burton and Tatum O'Neal
Circle of Two (15)
CM_PO001: Arthur avec les Fleurs
Circular (1)
GB_PE087: Prince Charles
Cirencester Polo Club (1)
EC_CH001: Cissy Houston
Cissy Houston (3)
GM_CityBoy_Clannad_ClassixNouveaux_ClimaxBlues_001: City Boy, Clannad, Classix Nouveaux, Climax Blues Band
City Boy (1)
EC_EJ035: Elton John
Civic Auditorium (1)
KC_Blur_001: Blur
Clacton-on-Sea (1)
KC_Blur_001: Blur
Clacton pier (1)
TON_TOF040: Bloom And Elkins
Claire Bloom (5)
TON_TOF360: Claire King
Claire King (1)
GM_CityBoy_Clannad_ClassixNouveaux_ClimaxBlues_001: City Boy, Clannad, Classix Nouveaux, Climax Blues Band
Clannad (1)
TON_DB257: David Bowie
Clapper board (1)
JM_BRS074: Bruce Springsteen
Clarence Clemons (26)
EC_TheByrds_002: The Byrds
Clarence White (48)
ES_F43_Contact_28: James Mason
Clarissa Kaye (7)
EA_MM021: Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable
Clark Gable (1)
EC_Song_0015: Song
Clark Garman (20)
TW_CT002: Clark Terry
Clark Terry (17)
GM_CityBoy_Clannad_ClassixNouveaux_ClimaxBlues_001: City Boy, Clannad, Classix Nouveaux, Climax Blues Band
Classic Nouveaux (1)
TON_TOF331: Claudette Colbert
Claudette Colbert (1)
NP_NP01A1_042F: Claudia Cardinale
Claudia Cardinale (156)
EC_RussellKing_046: Claudia Lennear, Rita Coolidge and Leon Russell
Claudia Lenear (2)
EC_RussellKing_056: Leon Russell, Claudia Lennear and George Harrison
Claudia Lennear (7)
ES_F17_Contact_25: Crossplot with Roger Moore and Claudie Lange
Claudie Lange (6)
TON_TB263: The Beatles
Clayton Hickman (2)
TW_Cannonball Adderley006: Cannonball Adderley
Clea Bradford (1)
KC_Blondie_008: Blondie
Clem Barker (24)
GM_Catatonia_Cheetahs_Champion_Chi-Lites_001: Catatonia, Cheetahs, Chi-Lites, Champion
Clem Clempson (1)
TON_TOM110: Cleo Laine
Cleo Laine (6)
NP_NP02B4_001: Vivien Leigh
Cleopatra (15)
JM_DOP008: Dolly Parton
Cleveland (911)
JM_ROX010: Roxy Music
Cleveland Hopkins (2)
JM_U2001: U2
Cleveland Music Hall (47)
JM_ALC004: Alice Cooper
Cleveland Public Auditorium (13)
JM_ELO004: Electric Light Orchestra
Cleveland Public Hall (5)
JM_GEN017: Genesis
Cleveland Stadium (38)
NL_1002: Muhammad Ali vs. Cleveland Williams
Cleveland Williams (1)
NP_PE_CR002: Cliff Richard
Cliff Richard (3)
Cliff Williams (5)
NP_NP06G1_1976_038: Clifton Pugh
Clifton Pugh (4)
GM_MelBrooks_004: Mel Brooks
Climb (1)
ES_F47_Contact_39: Five Days One Summer
Climbeing (22)
TON_PN072: Paul Newman & Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood (44)
ES_F38_Contact_04: Clio Goldsmith
Clio Goldsmith (6)
GM_SG_TG_AG_001: Sylvia Griffon, The Groundhogs, Adrian Gurvitz
Clive Brooks (1)
EC_JethroTull_002: Jethro Tull
Clive Bunker (5)
DOR_IM001: Iron Maiden
Clive Burr (1)
MW_SC054: Maurice
Clive Durham (1)
EC_EJ080: Elton John
Clive Franks (5)
TON_TOF206: Clive James
Clive James (1)
GM_AMC_2038B: Amen Corner
Clive Taylor (8)
JDV_TW011: Twenties Twiggy
Cloche (2)
TON_TOFA015: Niki Taylor
Clods (1)
GM_FatMatress_652D: Fat Mattress
Cloich na Coillte (1)
GM_FaMatress_652B: Fat Mattress
Clonakilty Cowboys (2)
ES_F55_Contact_20: Cloris Leachman in Daisy Miller
Cloris Leachman (3)
GM_GaryGlitter_525C: Gary Glitter
Close--up (2)
JM_AF006: Aretha Franklin
Close-up performing (1)
BW_ITT008: Tina Turner
Close-up: Tina Turner (8)
EC_CREEDENCE_031: Creedence Clearwater Revival
Close ups (21)
TON_GH015: Goldie Hawn
Clothes stall (1)
NP_NP12Q213_002: Clothes To Burn Your Boats In
Clothes To Burn Your Boats In (1)
NP_NP12Q187_019: Clothes To Run Away From School In
Clothes To Run Away From School In (1)
TON_TOA070: Sam Wanamaker
Cloudy sky (1)
GM_CNM_1645C: Cry No More
Clown Nose (3)
ES_F49_Contact_46: Fellini
Clowns (12)
ES_F17_Contact_06: Vanessa Redgrave
Clsoe up (17)
NP_FA_DO001: Romantic Quality
Clytha Park (4)
TON_MC087: Michael Caine and Candice Bergen
Cnadice Bergen (2)
ES_F37_Contact_18: Iman Abdulmajid
Cnetral Park (13)
EC_MXT014: Maxine Taupin
Co (1)
DOR_AW004: Amy Winehouse
Coachella (9)
DOR_TN001: The 1975
Coachella 2014 (2)
DOR_BLR004: Blur
Coachella Festival (10)
ES_F7_Contact_01: Clint Eastwood
Coastline (2)
BW_WS052: Woodstock 1969
Coat hanger (2)
GM_VW_1209A: Vivienne Westwood
Coat Hangers (1)
NP_FA_60s053: Long Coats in a Narrow Alley
Cobbled (1)
DOR_DD007: Duran Duran
Cobbles (1)
MW_ST047: A woman and her dog
Cocker Spaniel (1)
TON_TOM068: Steve Harley
Cockney Rebel (12)
GM_GM_2018E: Gary Moore
Cockpit (1)
TON_OW006: Orson Welles
Cocktials (1)
AS_PE129: Paul Newman
Coco (30)
DK_CC028: Coco Chanel
Coco Chanel (45)
JM_TTH024: Take That
Coin purse (7)
GM_RS018: The Rolling Stones
Coke bottle (1)
H_Contact_077: William Hurt
Cola (5)
TW_EG003: Coleman Hawkins
Coleman Hawkins (7)
LF_AH028: Audrey Hepburn
Colette (2)
TON_EJ059: Revie's England
Colin Bell (3)
MW_AU008: Arthur Miller with Colin Blakely and Rosemary Harris
Colin Blakely (1)
GM_CBTHBTBB_001: Colin Blunstone, The Headboys, The Bothy Band
Colin Blunstone (1)
GM_CBB_P177G: Climax Blues Band
Colin Cooper (9)
TON_TOF494: Colin Firth
Colin Firth (1)
GM_TheNashvilleTeens_2027A: The Nashville Teens
Colin Pattenden (7)
TON_TOF232: Colin Salmon
Colin Salmon (2)
GM_HATI_001: Holly and the Italians
Colin White (1)
JM_KIS004: Kiss
Coliseum (5)
TON_EJ371: Elton John
Collaborator (2)
BW_GD018: Jerry Garcia
Collage (1)
NL_4066: John F. Kennedy
College (1)
NP_PE_DT003: Ivana Trump
Collour (1)
TON_KM045: Kate Moss
Colou (1)
DOR_DB043: David Bowie
Colour. portrait (2)
NP14C_037: Hungary
Colour square (1)
GM_AFL_001: Andy Fairwether Low
Colour' Square (1)
TW_RB004: Ray Brown
Colour Ted Williams (1)
TON_DB473: David Bowie
Colour transparency (1)
TON_Sinatra_Contact_052: Frank Sinatra
Colour6 (1)
TZ_PN001: Paul Newman
Columbia Pictures (1)
EA_MD002: Marlene Dietrich
Columbia Records (5)
ES_F18_Contact_35: Kathleen Turner
Colur (4)
KC_Comateens_001: Comateens
Comateens (1)
GM_Domino_RayDorset_001: Domino and Ray Dorset
Comb (9)
TON_BIC001: Billy Connolly
Comdeian (2)
GM_MF_341B: Marianne Faithfull
Come My Way (5)
MB_PD002: Pete & Dud
Comedians (5)
KC_Blur_021: Blur
Comics (1)
JS_PE244: Tara Palmer-Tomkinson
Comme Des Garcons (2)
DOR_DB009: David Bowie
Commonwealth Stadium (2)
ES_F9_Contact_01: Nguyen Thi Binh
Communist (5)
MW_ST045: Crufts
Competition (2)
TON_S_Contact_059: Mark Spitz
Competitive (1)
TZ_SJ003: Steve Jobs
Computers (3)
TW_Sonny Rollins: Sonny Rollins
Conact Sheet (2)
JS_PE072: Gilbert & George
Conceptual art (1)
DOR_JS001: Joss Stone
Concert For Diana (5)
LF_ST003: The Apollo theatre
Concert hall (1)
TW_Ray Charles001: Soul 60 with Dinah Washington, Ray Charles and Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers, 1960
Concert series (2)
MW_C0068: Concorde 002
Concorde (2)
GM_IDK_1: Bad News
Condoms (2)
TW_Henry Mancini001: Henry Mancini
Conducting (2)
EC_CREEDENCE_068: Creedence Clearwater Revival
Conert (1)
TON_TOFA037: Jean-Charles de Castelbajac
Confederate flag (1)
MB_SP_MT042: Mike Tyson
Conference (3)
AS_POL028: James Farmer
Congress of Racial Equality (1)
TW_Clark Terry001: Clark Terry
Connie Kay (1)
ES_F9_Contact_21: Connie Nielson
Connie Neilsen (15)
DN_Contact052: Elton John
Connie Pappas (1)
TW_CT003: Connie Ray
Connie Ray (1)
NP_FA_60s054: Connie Barr
Connir Barr (1)
TW_CEP003: Central Plaza
Conrad Janis (1)
NP_NP05E2_1949_001D: Conscience Whispers
Conscience Whispers (1)
NP_RY009: Lady Osborn and her daughter
Constance Violette (1)
LF_TC001: Black and White Ball
Consuelo Crespi (1)
TW_Jazz Festival_E31: Mexico City Jazz Festival
Contact Dizzy Gillespie (3)
Raquel_Contact_021: Raquel Welch
Contact nude (1)
GM_EJ_005C: Elton John
Contact sheet art (3)
TV_Contact_001: Jim Henson
Contact Sheet; the Muppets;The Muppet Show (1)
EC_Burritos_028: Santana
Contact sheeton stage (1)
JS_PE072: Gilbert & George
Contemporary art (3)
KC_EATB_001: Echo & the Bunnymen
Contract sheet (1)
JS_PE066: Joanna Trollope
Contrast (1)
MB_SP_MT010: Mike Tyson
Convention Hall (2)
GM_ModernRomance_002: Modern Romance
Convertable (1)
MB_SP_MT045: Mike Tyson
Conviction (1)
JS_PE324: Raymond Blanc
Cookbook (2)
NP_NP06F3_120: Florida Beauty Cool Sea Face
Cool Sea Face (1)
EJ146: Elton John
Coors Light (2)
NP_NP18_61_057: Playing It Cool In Rio
Copacabana Beach (5)
NP_NP06F4_1976_003: Coranna Promotion
Coranna Promotion (5)
TON_TO003: Tatum O'Neal
Cord boots (2)
TON_TO005: Tatum O'Neal In Yellow
Cord suit (1)
BW_AMC057: 1936 Cord Westchester Sedan Model 810
Cord westchester sedan model 810 (1)
AS_POL028: James Farmer
CORE (1)
MB_SP_MT019: Mike Tyson
CoreStates Spectrum (1)
LF_CSK001: Coretta Scott King
Coretta Scott King (1)
TON_AG021: Ava Gardner
Corgi (1)
EC_WestBruceLang_002: West, Bruce & Lang
Corky Laing (4)
P_Contact_004: Paramount Pictures Stars
Cornel Wilde (5)
TON_CST002: Coronation Street Ladies
Coronation St (2)
GM_GM_2018O: Gary Moore
Corridoor (2)
EC_NY002: Neil Young
Corsby Stills & Nash (1)
BW_TD003: Tom Donahue
Cosmo Donahue (1)
DK_PN008: Paul Newman
Cosmograph Daytona (2)
MB_PE_JB001: Jimmy Breslin
Costello's (1)
TON_TOFA026: Marit Allen
Costume designer (2)
TON_C_Contact_147: Cher
Costume TV (1)
TON_TON_EJ576: Elton John
Costumier (7)
JS_PE306: Rowan Atkinson
Costums (1)
TON_TOF094: Diana Dors On Bed
Cot (1)
KC_EnglandFootballTeam_001: England Football Team at PWL Studios
Cottee (8)
NP_FA_50s104: British Vogue
Cotton (1)
TON_SQ001: Status Quo
Council housing (1)
TW_CB029: The Count Basie Orchestra
Count Basie Orchestra (8)
MW_AU028: Jenny Fabian
Counter culture (17)
JS_RO014: HRH Prince Edward
Countess (2)
NP_NP06F4_1976_001: Beauty Book
Countess of Pembroke (1)
JS_RO059: Sophie, Countess of Wessex
Countess of Wessex (5)
NP_FA_50s131: Vogue
Country Dressing (1)
TON_TB229: Harrison At Friar Park
Country house (4)
EC_CJ001: Monterey Pop Festival
Country Joe and the Fish (2)
BW_SQ016: San Quentin concert for Bread & Roses
Country Joe & The Fish (1)
NP_FA_WP142: Wenda Parkinson
Country Life (1)
EC_Burritos_038: The Flying Burrito Borthers and Delaney & Bonnie
Country rock (30)
NP_NP12Q214_050: Living Space in Lypiatt
Country. sculpture (1)
GM_FatMatress_652D: Fat Mattress
County Cork (1)
EA_MM036: Marilyn Monroe
Coupe (vaisselle) (1)
TON_Beatles_Contact_080: George & Olivia Harrison
Couple wife (2)
TON_BM007: Soccer Couples
Couples (1)
BW_AM063: Ford
Couplet (1)
MW_ST054: Streets of Soho, 1950s
Courage (1)
GR_TB050: The Blitz
Coventry (8)
EC_DALTONDUBARRI_031: Dalton + Dubarri
Cover art (2)
EC_MarkBenno_001: Mark Benno
Cover artwork (1)
NP_FA_WP080_large file: Wenda Parkinson
Cover photo (1)
KC_GeorgeMichael_003: George Michael
Cover to Cover World Tour (3)
KC_NME_005: NME Covers
Covers (8)
BW_TW001: Pete Townshend
Cow Palace (10)
JM_ELH008: Emmylou Harris
Cowbow hat (3)
JHU006: Loner Huston
Cowboy costume (1)
BW_WS068: Woodstock 1969
Cows (2)
DOR_DB072: David Bowie
Cracked Actor (14)
TON_D_Contact_008: Various
Craig Dyke (1)
NP_FA_AR021: Apollonia van Ravenstein
Crane Beach Hotel (3)
EA_MM019: Marilyn Monroe and John Huston
Craps (1)
TZ_JL006: John Lennon
Crawdaddy magazine (7)
KC_Glastonbury1994_006: Glastonbury Festival 1994
Crazy Horses (1)
EC_CR027: Cream
Cream (41)
TON_AMD002: Andie MacDowell
Cream jacket (1)
GM_VW_1209A: Vivienne Westwood
Create (1)
KC_PublicImageLtd_006: Public Image Ltd
Creation for Liberation Benefit Gig (2)
KC_Oasis_007: Oasis
Creation Records (2)
NP05E2_1950_012B: Enid Boulting
Creed (3)
EC_CREEDENCE_067: Creedence Clearwater Revival
Creedence Clearwater Revival (89)
GM_EJ_007A_2: Elton John
Crescent (6)
GM_EJ_007B_16: Elton John
Cricket bat (35)
TON_DG002: David Gower
Cricket: Beach (1)
NP_NP05E2_1950_059: Cricket Match
Cricket Match (1)
KC_KulaShaker_002: Kula Shaker
Crispian Mills (9)
GB_PE009: Cristiano Ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo (2)
TON_TOF097: Cristina Raines
Cristina Raines (3)
TON_TS024: Soup For Stamp
Crockery (1)
EC_JH128: The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Crod (2)
BW_WS028: Woodstock 1969
Crop top (2)
JM_CSN001: Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Crosby (1)
TON_TOM210: Crosby Stills and Nash
Crosby Stills Nash and Young (2)
GR_CA012: Cross Africa
Cross Africa (92)
GM_BC_001: Beggar and Co
Crossbow (1)
TON_TOP022: Alexander Thynn Marquess Of Bath
Crossbows (1)
GM_JE_348E: Jackie Edwards
Crossed legs (2)
MW_C0125: Hyde park pop concert
Crowd scenes (2)
GB_PE019: The Queen
Crown Jewels (1)
MW_ST045: Crufts
Crufts (3)
MW_C0027: Crufts Dog Show
Crufts Dog Show (1)
MW_C0040: Queen Elziabeth II maiden voyage
Cruise ship (2)
BW_BSF005: Big Sur Folk Festival
Crutch (1)
GM_CNM_1645B: Cry No More
Cry No More (3)
JM_CSN001: Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
CSN&Y (1)
TW_Geo Benson: George Benson
CTI Records (1)
TON_Beatles_Contact_077: George Harrison
Culture Club (8)
Cumming-Bell (1)
BW_AMC047: 1953 Cunningham
Cunningham (1)
EA_MM036: Marilyn Monroe
Cup (crockery) (1)
TON_TOF021: Jimmy Tarbuck
Cupboards (1)
GM_CupidsInspiration_1940B: Cupid's Inspiration
Cupid\u2019s Inspiration (3)
TON_TOA033: Ishiguro's Cuppa
Cuppa (1)
TON_TOM120: Curiosity Killed The Cat
Curiosity Killed The Cat (1)
BW_WS114: Woodstock Music & Art Fair
Currant (1)
TON_TOA069: Johnny Geller
Curtis Brown (1)
GR_WC089: The 'Flying Tigers'
Curtiss P-40 (1)
BW_AM060: 1931 Chrysler Custom Roadster Imperial Eight
Custom (1)
GM_Funkapolitan_001: Funkapolitan
Cutout (2)
TON_TS024: Soup For Stamp
Cuttleries (1)
JM_BON012: Bon Jovi
Cuyahoga Falls (27)
NP_FA_DW001: Dolores Wettach
Cuzco (1)
Cy Curnin (1)
ES_F55_Contact_06: Peter Bogdanovich
Cybill Shepherd (63)
GM_JohnPeel_001: John Peel
Cycle (1)
TON_TOF100: Cyd Charisse
Cyd Charisse (3)
TON_TOC038: Richard Desmond
Cymbals (2)
BW_GR080: Cynthia Plaster
Cynthia (13)
TON_TB024: The Beatles
Cynthia Lennon (7)
NP04D4_1938_002: Harrods Salon and Dorville Ad
Cynthia Monteih (2)
TON_TOC047: Cynthia Payne
Cynthia Payne (1)
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #